Evaluation Design
The Skatepark Project
The Skatepark Project
Provide stakeholder insights on the impact of TSP’s National Grantmaking Program
- Client: The Skateboard Project
- Role: Visual Design
- Researchers: Alisha Greenberg & Kathy Babiak, Ph.D.
The mission of The Skatepark Project (TSP) is to help underserved communities create safe and inclusive public skateparks for youth, with the goal of supporting thriving, healthy and sustainable communities where young people have equitable access to safe outdoor spaces for creative expression, physical activity and a sense of belonging.
TSP has been working with municipalities and community groups to help them realize their dream of a quality public skatepark in their community. For Tony Hawk, the organization’s Founder, skateboarding was a healthy outlet and a recreational challenge, and it provided a social group of creative, like-minded individuals. It’s also a sport that helped him build confidence, taught him to persevere, and through his mentoring of younger skaters helped him develop leadership skills. The Skatepark Project works every day to be able to bring these same lessons to youth around the world.
At a critical juncture in the foundation’s evolution, after almost 20 years of operation and following a new organization title from The Tony Hawk Foundation to ‘The Skatepark Project’, TSP approached Bravely with a creative brief to translate a comprehensive evaluation report that would generate excitement, inspire, and tell a story through the rich data.
Bravely teamed up with Alisha and Kathy, the evaluation team, to help brainstorm, design, and execute a report that began as a complex, 30-page data heavy document. It was vital to be strategic with our messaging as the report would catch the eye of donors and stakeholders of TSPs grantmaking program.
We were inspired by Google's Diversity Annual Report and CVS Health as way to visually build a story of how TSP is is making sustained impact on communities and youth, while still maintaining the creative edge of skateboard brands like Birdhouse, Vans, DC, and Thrasher.
Having received a Masters in Communication with a concentration in Applied Research, this particular project appealed to me as it sat at the intersection of design and science. You can view an additional evaluation report from my graduate days on global warming.